Leslie’s original show, Niche to Meet You, produces miniseries about little-known niche subcultures. The Santa Portrayal Artists 3-part story released in December 2024 and included a bonus episode of a host of Santas reading “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” that premiered on WPLN, Nashville Public Radio. LISTEN TO THE SERIES HERE.

Malcolm Guite reading his latest article for Christianity Today


Profile: Odessa Settles — WPLN This is Nashville
Odessa Settles comes from a family of musicians and activists. Recently retired after five decades as a neonatal nurse at Vanderbilt, she continues to perform with her group, The Settles Connection, for audiences across the country. On the episode, we talk with Settles about the philosophy behind her mission to heal, what music means to her, and how she chose to center everything she does from a place of love. Plus, she performs live for us in the studio.

Episode: Extraordinary Penpals — WPLN This is Nashville
In an age of digital communication, it’s a remarkable achievement to keep friendships alive through handwritten, mailed letters. As a result, pen pal friendships can have unique and extraordinary stories worth telling. Longtime Nashvillian Keely Scott kept a written relationship for over 30 years with an eccentric Manhattan artist, starting when she was a second grader in Texas. The story of their relationship is marked by moments in Keely’s own life and contains beautiful stories of friendship. Not surprisingly, Keely is passing this legacy onto her daughter, who now has her own faraway pen pal.