The Rogue Creative Media Consulting studio, founded in 2017, is the workspace of Leslie Thompson. We work with bestselling books, innovative projects that catch fire, and podcasts asking complex questions. These vast projects are joined by one common denominator: they’re going rogue.
The rogues we work with are informed and driven by meaning and purpose. Their projects aren’t just marketing schemes or lines on a budget. They’re unconventional. They don’t have a corporate structure because corporate doesn’t understand the grassroots approach they take. They’re scrappy. They do things differently because there is no other way. These Rogues aren’t malicious, they’re driven by meaning. They know the rules and break them because the alternative is better.
We consult with these roguish teams to find the meaning of the project and message and build the framework for execution. The teams and projects vary, it’s been anything from marketing to podcasts. Every one of the projects we work on is unique — which is to be expected…creativity rarely takes the same road twice. Leslie employs specialists in their fields as needed to get things done as necessary. If our team doesn’t have an answer, we’ll find it. See examples of work we can handle.
My father is a math teacher, my mother an art teacher; That explains more about my background than most things will. Growing up, I was solving math problems and using watercolors in our screened-in porch, all while singing and dancing along to whatever musical was on our television. I instinctively work to strike a balance between chaos and order - and appreciate both a great deal - but there’s always a little bit of singing and dancing happening at the same time.
After earning a Commercial Music degree from Belmont University, I spent a number of years doing marketing management and creative strategy for companies in the Nashville music industry, and eventually went rogue to do the same on my own, adding podcast and audio production to my tool box. In recent years, I’ve developed a relational approach to stewarding creative media projects and seeking out opportunities for them to take on their full potential. I have the great pleasure of doing work for artists, authors, shows, artist managers, music businesses, marketing firms, and beyond.
When I’m not helping others in their own endeavors, I’m working on my own creative pursuits in podcasting, writing, and music. I reside on the outskirts of Nashville with my husband, our daughter, and our grizzled old pup Millie. In 2020, we went to Alaska to see the Iditarod. But that’s another story for another time.
partnership examples:
These are real-life examples of recent work done for clients as examples of Rogue’s scope of work:
Web design, development, and ongoing maintenance.
Creative media project management. Examples:
Livestream concert coordination: ticket setup, sponsor procurement, web design, etc.
Program book management: sponsor procurement, design and print coordination, etc.
Marketing & Publicity. Examples:
Book releases
Podcast production SEE MORE
Yearly Project Features
Each year we feature 12 project highlights on our Instagram account as a way to share work we’re especially proud of.
The projects cover Rogue-branded work, as well as work Leslie does on her own.
(Click photo for project detail)