What is a "Rogue One?"
The Rogue Ones Podcast Introduction:
What is a “Rogue One?”
meet host/curator, leslie eiler thompson
Host/curator, leslie eiler thompson
Humans are hard-wired to survive - to live as easily as possible. To get from point A to point B with as little stress as possible. Or at least - that’s how we think life should be. But some of us decide we don’t want to live that way.
My name is Leslie Eiler Thompson and I am the host and creator of this series, The Rogue Ones Podcast, in which I curate conversations with extraordinary folks doing fascinating things - fearlessly living remarkable lives. They decide a straight path from point A to point B is boring. They’re going rogue.
This series lies in no-man’s land between a entrepreneurship and human interest podcast. Sometimes my guests want to talk business, sometimes they want to talk life. All of them want to share wisdom and encourage us to live remarkably while doing the things we are led toward.
Malcom Gladwell suggests in his book, Outliers, that “Success is not a random act. It arises out of a predictable and powerful set of circumstances and opportunities.” So these rogue ones, all successful in their varied fields, openly share stories of failure, insecurity, unforeseen opportunity…and they are hand-picked for those who listen to this podcast series, desperately wishing to live a life worth remembering.
It’s my supposition that the most remarkable among us have found ways to bring their circumstances, character traits, and values together to build extraordinary realities. These people fascinate me - and I bet they fascinate you, too.
So, fellow rogue: As you listen along to this series, I invite you to invest in the Rogues you meet. Find them on social media and engage with their stories. These are truly remarkable human beings, and it’s my honor to introduce you to them.
Listen to the introductory episode of this series now:
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