Rogue #5: Allan Douglas, A Workplace Rogue


You might have noticed that most of the episodes so far have been interviews with people in "creative" fields. First we had a songwriter, then a voiceover artist, followed by a photographer, and then a vocalist. While I do believe EVERYONE is creative, not EVERYONE produces a form of art for a living. And furthermore, I recognize that not everyone can start their own business or quit their jobs.

It's for this reason that this episode features a conversation with someone who isn't a professional artist, and who might say he has a "desk job" in Corporate America - but he's found a way to be a Workplace Rogue.

Allan Douglas is no different. While Allan IS a musician (come on, I'm in Music City, USA...just about everyone I talk to is going to have a hand in music....), he has found himself a home in the Finance Industry and is LOVING it. In fact, he's said he feels more creative in his current role than he ever did when he worked on Music Row in a fancy corner office with floor to ceiling windows. 

And since he's a musician, I wanted to share one of his songs with you, recorded in the infamous RCA Studio B in the heart of Nashville. It's the PERFECT song for us rogue ones, and it should make it to your summer cruising playlist! Click here to download Rebels by Allan Douglas! Or, if you want to check it out on Spotify, click here.


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Leslie Eiler Thompson